All of the works published in Angles are written by students in the introductory writing subjects at MIT. Designated as CI-HW (Communications-Intensive Humanities Writing), these subjects cover a range of inquiries, such as Writing and Experience, Rhetoric and Contemporary Issues, Science Writing for the Public, Food for Thought, and Reading and Writing Autobiography. The diversity of genre and content generated and refined in these subjects reveals students’ commitment to improve their rhetorical knowledge by closely examining themselves and their world through writing.
Many of the stories in Angles 2015, particularly those categorized as “Preoccupations,” “Examining Self and World,” and “Family Connections,” explore the multitude of identities and struggles of students. Personal reflection and intellectual inquiry often interact within these essays. Similarly, the articles under “Science and Technology Fascination” demonstrate how curiosity and passion for specific issues extend beyond a student’s chosen field of study or personal experience. All of the articles were written in response to specific writing assignments, which you can access within Angles.
Since its inception in 2008, Angles has provided students with an important space to communicate thoughts and ideas to a public audience beyond the walls of the classroom. Thank you for reading these selected works from MIT’s communication-intensive humanities writing courses.
♦ Reading past issues of Angles
If you wish to browse and read past issues of Angles, which has been published since 2008, go to this page.
♦ Remembering Umaer Basha
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Photo credit: Christopher Harting (2014), Student Center Stairways; courtesy of Communication Production Services, MIT