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Remembering How to Fly, a visual memoir on wonder

1. At this time of night, all I can think is — I used to be so excited about life.

2. As a child, my default emotional state was very cheerful.

3. This is most evident on airplane rides I used to take with my mom across the Pacific.

4. It was a fantasy world to my younger self.

5. When the meal cart came by I pretended I was Harry Potter on the Hogwarts Express ordering sweets from the trolley.

6. The younger me thought about whales flying in the sky and drifted off to sleep happily.

7. What part of my younger self have I left behind?

8. So I look outside the airplane window, pretending to be my younger self.

9. I get ready to capture the morning clouds with my digital camera.

10. I draw and photograph many things now… to remember how and what it’s like to fly.