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Graduate Communication Survey Results 2023

The Graduate Communication survey was conducted by the Writing and Communication Center and the English Language Program in February-March 2023 to assess MIT graduate students’ current needs for support and training in oral and written communication skills across different academic and demographic groups. The survey explores:

  1. The communication projects that graduate students work on at MIT.
  2. The challenges they face in crafting and performing communication tasks.
  3. Self-assessment of their oral and written communication needs.
  4. Self-assessment of how supported they feel.

The results of the survey are presented below. They are based on 995 complete responses received from MIT graduate students and can be sorted and analyzed using filters in the right-side column.

Survey Demographics

Explore different sub-populations by selecting the filters on the right side.

Academic Communication Tasks

What kinds of communication tasks have you worked on as an MIT graduate student?

Use tabs below to toggle between Oral and Written Communication Tasks

Communication Challenges

How much have the following impacted your performance at MIT? (1= not at all, 5= a great deal)



Overall Self-Assessment


Oral Communication Self-Assessment


Writing Difficulties

How easy or difficult do you find the following aspects of written academic communication?


Writing Process Stages

Please rate your skill in the following tasks in each stage of the writing process

Use tabs below to toggle between stages.

Communication Support