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Teaching Writing and Communication

WRAP logoCollaborate with Writing, Rhetoric, And Professional Communication

Writing, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication (WRAP)  collaborates in a variety of ways with faculty and departments.  The primary form of collaboration is team-teaching, in which lecturers from WRAP provide the writing and speaking instruction in communication-intensive (CI) subjects in departments across the Institute.

WRAP also consults with faculty and departments on developing communication instruction, whether in communication-intensive (CI) subjects, other types of subjects, or in stand-alone workshops for undergraduate or graduate students.

During IAP, WRAP runs a series of workshops for faculty and TAs on topics such as teaching debate, designing assignments, responding to student writing, and teaching visual literacy.

Departments or large subjects can also request workshops for TAs on teaching communication and responding to students, which are offered at many times throughout the semester.

To learn more or to arrange for collaboration, consultation, or a workshop, email wrap@mit.edu

To request to teach with a Writing Advisor in a CI-H subject, please submit a proposal through our online form.

Develop a Communication-Intensive Subject

On this site, you’ll find information about how to:

Develop Communication Learning Objectives

Design Communication Assignments

Teach Communication Concepts in CI Subjects

Provide Feedback to Students.

You’ll also find information on evaluating student writing and speaking performances, assessing student learning, and evaluating the effectiveness of instruction and assignments.