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CMS Alumni Panel
Thursday, November 19, 2015 @ 5:00 pm
On the heels of the day’s graduate program information session, join us for our annual colloquium featuring alumni of CMS, discussing their lives from MIT to their careers today.
Here’s who we’ve lined up so far (subject to change as ever):
- Margaret Weigel, ’02, who works in digital education: https://www.linkedin.com/in/margaretweigel/
- Dan Roy, ’07, widely known for his games for learning projects: https://www.
linkedin.com/profile/view?id= 2512953 - Ilya Vedrashko, ’06, who does big data-driven consumer research: https://www.
linkedin.com/profile/view?id= 3838774 - Erik Stayton, ’15, now a Ph.D. student at MIT’s program in History, Anthropology, Science, Technology and Society: http://web.mit.edu/
hasts/graduate/stayton.html - Chelsea Barabas, ’15, the newly minted advisor to the Media Lab’s Digital Currency Initiative: https://www.
linkedin.com/profile/view?id= 75805502