Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
“Are you ready for some football!”
In this two day course, participants will help to chart the history of the Madden videogame franchise. We will play every title of Madden, starting with 1988’s John Madden Football for the Apple II and continuing to this years Madden NFL 12. Together we will chart significant features, design choices, platform specificities, and other aspects that have informed the development of the game in the 20 plus years of its existence. By the end of the session we will have developed a public collection of data about the history of the Madden franchise to serve as a starting point for further sports videogame research.
Contact: Abe Stein, NE25-384, x4-9072, adstein@mit.edu