Introduced by Professor Nick Montfort.
Chen and Oliva will present digital, visual poems from their book Seedlings_: Walk in Time, a book written through their interactions with programs they have written. Seedlings_ portrays an ecosystem where the bonds that tie words together come alive and speak back to us.
The collaboration between these two began with Seedlings_:From Humus, which was commissioned by the MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology, featured in its Generative Unfoldings exhibition, and shortlisted for the 2021 Robert Coover Award.
Qianxun Chen is a media artist and researcher. Her works tend to bring up the non-human perspectives of language and the poetics of the non-human through alternative use of technology. She published many digital projects online, focusing on generative poetics, the aesthetics of algorithms, and digital textuality. Her media art installations have been presented in international festivals and exhibitions, such as Ars Electronica, SAVVY Contemporary and Lab.30 Festival.
Mariana Roa Oliva is a fiction and performance writer. They’re interested in communication and collaboration across languages and species, natural and artificial. Their work has been published in collections and anthologies including Our Red Book (Simon & Schuster, 2022), Eleven Stories (The Desperate Literature Short Fiction Prize Shortlist Selection, 2022), and Los cuerpos que habitamos (An.alfa.beta, 2021).