Presented by The Education Arcade.
First there were blocks. Then there was LEGO. Now there are apps. Kids today move seamlessly through multiple dimensions in their pursuit of fun. Today’s tech play will all-too-soon become tomorrow’s traditional play. What impact do emerging media platforms have on how play evolves? What role do young players have in shaping their playthings? Can a Wii teach playground rules? Is an ebook a phonics friend or foe? Is an avatar real? Come hear what the innovators in children’s media, books, toys, virtual worlds, and education predict are the new playrooms for 21st century literacy. Step into the revolutionary world of kids’ play. And get a grip on the future of fun.
About the Sandbox Summit: “The goal of Sandbox Summit is to ensure that the next generation of players becomes active innovators rather than passive consumers of technology. Through high-energy panels, hands-on demonstrations, and thought-provoking discussions with industry leaders, journalists, analysts, and educators, Sandbox Summit brings an added dimension to conversations and conference tables.”