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Writing for Videogames: It’s Almost as Fun as it Sounds
Thursday, January 24, 2019 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Micah Nathan
Enrollment: Limited: Advance sign-up required
Sign-up by 01/22
Limited to 30 participants
My first video game writing job was a year-long stint with an iOS company that wanted to start a game franchise. They had a concept: mercs with guns. They had a genre: sci-fi. They didn’t have a game title, a universe, bad guys, weaponry, spaceships, or a plot.
So I gave them what they needed (SHADOWGUN) and they paid me for it, and thus began my somewhat-lucrative job as a video game writer. In this one-day, three-hour seminar, I’ll tell you what I’ve done right in my career, what I’ve done wrong, and I’ll offer suggestions on both world-building and character-building. Questions from the audience are both expected and needed.
Sponsor(s): Comparative Media Studies/Writing
Contact: Micah Nathan, micahn@mit.edu