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Joanna Kao: 5 Ways to Talk to People

Joanna Kao speaking at the Civic Media Conference

At the recent Civic Media Conference, MIT alum Joanna Kao talked about, well, talking: five ways she learned to better engage people face to face.

The 2014 MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference featured fourteen quick talks from conference attendees about something they learned in the past year, including one from Joanna Kao, a recent MIT computer science grad, online media editor for MIT’s student newspaper, data viz intern with the Boston Globe, and now an interactive developer for Al Jazeera America in New York.

Joanna talked about, well, talking: five ways she learned to better engage people face to face.

You can watch all of the Civic Media Conference videos on our Vimeo page.

Andrew Whitacre
Written by
Andrew Whitacre

Andrew directs the communications efforts for CMS/W and Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education. A native of Washington, D.C., he holds a degree in communication from Wake Forest University, with a minor in humanities, as well as an M.F.A. in creative writing from Emerson College.

This work includes drawing up and executing strategic communications plans, with projects including website design, social media management and training, press outreach, product launches, fundraising campaign support, and event promotions.

Andrew Whitacre Written by Andrew Whitacre