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Emotional Intelligence and Team Communication

Examines the role of emotional intelligence in both our individual lives and our collaborations. Considers a broad range of topics and communication strategies, including self-awareness, listening, trust, habit formation, conflict, negotiation, and constructive dialogue. High-quality writing and video presentations serve as the focus for the class discussion and as models for student essays and presentations. Students produce both individual and collaborative work. Limited to 15.

Danna Solomon
Written by
Danna Solomon

Danna Solomon is the Academic Administrator for CMS/W and the Grad Program in Science Writing. She holds a Master's in Arts, Festival & Cultural Management from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, and a BA from Tufts University. Her background is in administrative management in arts, culture, and higher education; in addition to her work at MIT, she works with several local community arts organizations in administration, organizational leadership, and production. Danna plays the flute, and enjoys reading, knitting, interdisciplinary art, food, and puzzles.

Danna Solomon Written by Danna Solomon