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Writing and Reading Poems

Examination of the formal structural and textual variety in poetry. Extensive practice in the making of poems and the analysis of both students’ manuscripts and texts from 16th- through 20th-century literature. Attempts to make relevant the traditional elements of poetry and their contemporary alternatives. Weekly writing assignments, including some exercises in prosody.

Danna Solomon
Written by
Danna Solomon

Danna Solomon is the Academic Administrator for CMS/W and the Grad Program in Science Writing. She holds a Master's in Arts, Festival & Cultural Management from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, and a BA from Tufts University. Her background is in administrative management in arts, culture, and higher education; in addition to her work at MIT, she works with several local community arts organizations in administration, organizational leadership, and production. Danna plays the flute, and enjoys reading, knitting, interdisciplinary art, food, and puzzles.

Danna Solomon Written by Danna Solomon