Brittany is a Boston-based science writer and “just-for-fun” blogger who grew up exploring the wooded trails and apple orchards of Harvard, MA. When she recently asked her parents about her career ambitions as a kid, Brittany was told, “You just liked nature and reading.” Not much has changed: from aspiring “nature reader” to budding science writer, Brittany has long loved to explore her surroundings and the power of communication. Delighted to learn that she didn’t have to choose just one of her passions, Brittany studied biology, environmental studies, and English at William Smith College. She began to ardently write about her scientific interests at the nexus of medicine, health, and the environment. After graduation, she moved to Vancouver and conducted Fulbright research that examined emerging challenges for the United States and Canada in managing their transboundary water. Brittany then returned to Boston and has written about cancer biology and research for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute since 2012. Brittany is thrilled to join the Graduate Program in Science Writing at MIT, where she hopes to learn more about how best to connect society with science. An avid runner, skier, and yogi, Brittany writes about language and movement on
The Conservation Sacrifice: How Far New Zealand Will Go To Save Its Birds