Fernanda de Araújo Ferreira watched her first science classes from under a desk, drawing while her mother taught plate tectonics to geology students. She took her first official university-level science classes while majoring in General Biology at the Universidade de Brasília (UnB) in Brazil and is now completing her Ph.D. in Virology, studying the nature of the latent reservoir of HIV-2, at Harvard University.
She initially got into science writing as an excuse to take deep dives into various areas of science, from zoopharmacognosy to AI, that were not HIV-2. After writing for Harvard’s Science in the News and GSAS Bulletin, as well as taking courses through Harvard’s creative writing program, she’s excited to pursue science journalism full-time. She writes about all areas of science (including math!), but has a special love for infectious diseases and, unsurprisingly, plate tectonics.
Unraveling The High Heel