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James Dinneen

James Dinneen is a writer from Colorado. He received a BA from Colorado College where he studied history and philosophy and Asian studies. After stints as a ranch hand in Idaho, a dramaturg in California, and a cook and corn picker in Massachusetts, he started working as a freelance journalist covering science and environmental stories, among other curiosities. His writing can be found in Science, Discover Magazine, Popular Science, Undark Magazine, bioGraphic, Hakai Magazine, Mongabay, and Smithsonian, among other publications. James is a 2021-22 CASW Taylor/Blakeslee Fellow. At MIT, he looks forward to writing about path-breaking research and the people conducting it, all the while following Einstein’s edict to make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. You can find his work at Jamesdinneen.wordpress.com.