Libby Falck is an entrepreneur, designer and multimedia artist based in Cambridge, MA. She geeks out about helping communities use design thinking and making to tackle social and environmental issues. She is previously the co-founder of IDEAco, the writer and lead creator of the K-12 design thinking curriculum the City X Project, the organizer of San Francisco’s first Youth Civic Hackathon, and the writer and designer of Autodesk's Maker Program Starter Kit. Libby completed her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Wisconsin - Madison where she studied communications and game-based learning. She is also a graduate of the Singularity University Global Solutions Program (2012) and the 4.0 Schools Launch Accelerator (2014).
Libby’s research is focused on using new media to enable individuals to collaboratively redesign public systems, particularly those related to education and governance. Her mission is to develop tools and experiences that transform issues into actions, empowering more people to design and implement solutions toward building a world that works. Find her on Twitter
@LibbyFalck for news on #GBL #digitalcitizenship #worldbuilding #designthinking #FutureofWork #civichacking #rethinkhighschool.
Play for Change: Educational Game Design for Grassroots Organizing