Vicky specializes in building strategic visions, processes, collaborative methods for “designing” ML/AI systems in conjunction with data scientists, software engineers, and more. She is currently a Strategic User Researcher for AI at Salesforce in San Francisco, California. Previously, she was a Design Researcher at IDEO and a UX Researcher for the AI team at HubSpot.
At MIT, she earned her M.Sc. in Comparative Media Studies and wrote her thesis on how the dining out food industry shifted in response to the proliferation of digital food culture on Web 1.0 & 2.0. Vicky earned her B.A. at Wellesley College in American Studies (how people and societies function & create culture) and Media Arts and Sciences (how computer science and design could be leveraged for innovation).
Internet Killed the Michelin Star: The Motives of Narrative and Style in Food Text Creation on Social Media