Feb10 Podcasts Podcast: Clara Fernández-Vara, “Performing Videogame Narratives in Space: Indexical Storytelling”
Nov09 Podcasts Podcast: Marina Bers, “Out of the Playpen into the Playground: The Design of Digital Experiences for Positive Youth Development
Sep09 Podcasts Podcast: Scott Nicholson, “From Settlers to Quarriors: Breaking up the Monopoly with Modern Board Game Design”
Jan24 Podcasts Podcast: Sasha Costanza-Chock, “Se Ve, Se Siente: Transmedia Mobilization in the Los Angeles Immigrant Rights Movement”
Apr16 Podcasts Podcast: “On the WOW Pod: A Design for Extimacy and Fantasy-Fulfillment for the World of Warcraft Addict”