Dec12 Articles & Chapters Health and toxicity in content moderation: the discursive work of justification
Mar06 Podcasts Podcast: Shawna Kidman, “The Infrastructure of the U.S. Comic Book Industry and the Long History of Superheroes in Hollywood”
Mar05 Shawna Kidman, “The Infrastructure of the U.S. Comic Book Industry and the Long History of Superheroes in Hollywood”
May31 Theses When to Start Freaking Out: Audience Engagement on Social Media During Disease Outbreaks
Sep23 Podcasts Podcast: Christine Walley, “The Exit Zero Project: A Transmedia Exploration of Family and Class in Postindustrial Chicago”
Sep09 Podcasts Podcast: “Innovation” and “Engagement” – Experiments with What Industry Buzzwords Can Mean in Practice
Oct05 Podcasts Podcast: Hiromu Nagahara, “Hierarchy And Democracy In Modern Japan’s Mass Media Revolution”