Sep06 Theses Just Say No to “Just Say No”: Tensions in Organizational Approaches to Youth and Online Privacy in the Americas
Nov21 NewsPodcasts Podcast: “Out of the Shadows, Into the Streets: Transmedia Organizing and the Immigrant Rights Movement” – Sasha Costanza-Chock’s Latest Book Release
Nov13 Comparative Media Insights: “Race, Rights, and Virtual Worlds: Digital Games as Spaces of Labor Migration”
Aug15 Book release for “Out of the Shadows, Into the Streets: Transmedia Organizing and the Immigrant Rights Movement”
Oct16 Theses From Huelga! to Undocumented and Unafraid!: A Comparative Study of Media Strategies in the Farm Worker Movement of the 1960s and the Immigrant Youth Movement of the 2000s
Mar23 Podcasts Podcast: John Bryant and Wendy Seltzer, “Authorship, Appropriation, and the Fluid Text: Versions of the Law”