Oct26 Podcasts Podcast: Sasha Costanza-Chock, “#MoreThanCode: Practitioner-led Research to Reimagine Technology for Social Justice”
Sep06 Theses Just Say No to “Just Say No”: Tensions in Organizational Approaches to Youth and Online Privacy in the Americas
Aug23 Articles & Chapters New report: “#MoreThanCode: Practitioners reimagine the landscape of technology for justice and equity”
Feb09 Podcasts Podcast: Eric Klopfer, “From Augmented to Virtual Learning: Affordances of Different Mixes of Reality for Learning”
Oct04 Theses Technology Against Technocracy: Toward Design Strategies for Critical Community Technology
Sep22 Podcasts Podcast: Julien Mailland and Kevin Driscoll, “Platforms in the Public Interest: Lessons from Minitel”
Sep15 Podcasts Podcast: Walter Menendez, “Engineering Virality: BuzzFeed’s Scientific Approach To Creating Content”
May05 Podcasts Podcast: Brian Larkin and Stefan Andriopoulos, “The Contingencies of Comparison: Rethinking Comparative Media”