Mar11 News Justin Reich’s thread: “The #1 question is ‘how will you support your most struggling students?’”
Feb28 Podcasts Podcast and video: Marina Bers, “Coding in Early Childhood: Storytelling or Puzzle Solving?”
Sep06 Theses Just Say No to “Just Say No”: Tensions in Organizational Approaches to Youth and Online Privacy in the Americas
Oct24 PodcastsVideos Video and podcast: “The Turn to ‘Tween’: An Age Category and its Cultural Consequences”
Jul14 Theses Better the Data You Know: Developing Youth Data Literacy in Schools and Informal Learning Environments
Nov12 Podcasts Podcast and liveblog: Sonia Livingstone, “The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age”
Oct16 Theses From Huelga! to Undocumented and Unafraid!: A Comparative Study of Media Strategies in the Farm Worker Movement of the 1960s and the Immigrant Youth Movement of the 2000s
Feb14 Podcasts Podcast: Marcella Szablewicz, “Nostalgia for a Not-So-Distant Youth: Digital Games and Affect in Urban China”
Nov09 Podcasts Podcast: Marina Bers, “Out of the Playpen into the Playground: The Design of Digital Experiences for Positive Youth Development
Nov03 Out of the Playpen into the Playground: The Design of Digital Experiences for Positive Youth Development