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WCC Peer-Review Working Groups

NEW: Join a Peer-Review Working Group to help you with your MA Thesis or Capstone Project in the Humanities or Social Sciences

Meetings start on Tuesday, Nov 2nd, and continue through the end of the term.

The Writing and Communication Center is organizing graduate student-led working groups for MA theses/capstone writers, designed for students in SHASS, SAP, or Sloan, who have just started or are about to start their projects. The small groups will help you go through the process of starting your project and support you through the process in an informal and peer-supported environment.

During these meetings, you will learn from each other how your peers are approaching their projects, gain feedback on your ideas and work, set weekly goals, and report about your progress. These groups are a great way to keep yourself on track and hold yourself accountable. The groups will meet every week through the rest of the semester; the first meeting will take place by Zoom on Tuesday, Nov 2nd at 5:30 PM EST for one hour in order to discuss the goals of the writing group and to schedule the remaining sessions. The space is limited to 5-7 members per group and will fill in on a first come first serve basis.

The funding support for this program comes from