
Media in Transition 2: globalization and convergence
May 10-12, 2002
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT Program in Comparative Media Studies
MIT Communications Forum

Organizing Committee:
Henry Jenkins, Shigeru Miyagawa, David Thorburn,
William Uricchio, Ingrid Volkmer, and Jing Wang

All sessions take place in Building E51 except the Friday and Saturday evening receptions.

Friday, May 10, 2002

12-1:30 pm   Ting Foyer

1:30-1:45 pm
Wong Aud.

Henry Jenkins, William Uricchio
1:45-3:15 pm Wong Aud. Plenary Conversation 1: Globalization
Arundhati Tuli Banerjee, MIT
James Carey, Columbia University
John Hartley, Queensland University of Technology
Moderator: David Thorburn

3:15-4:15 pm
Ting Foyer

Coffee and snack break
4:15-5:45 pm

Call Session 1
Rm. 145 Television: History, Technology, Influence
James Schwoch, Crypto-Convergence, Media and the Cold War: the early globalizing of television in a context of psychological warfare, public opinion polling, and science policy
Ramez Maluf, Social Impact of Arab Satellite Television
Mari Castaņeda-Paredes, The Long Revolution of Digital Television
Moderator: Bo Reimer

Rm. 149 Online Activism
Anita Chan, "Open" Journalism's Distributed Editors: the construction and exchange of online news on
Kim De Vries, Sequential Tart: thinking about gender and online community
Lisa Lynch, The Contradictory Negotiation of Global and National Identities in the Work of New Media Artists
Vladimir Bratic and Don Flournoy, Transnational Political Activism and Global Fusion: the Independent Media Centers as a case study
Moderator: Joe Dumit
Rm. 315
Laurie Harnick, 9 11 and Domestic/Lifestyle Television Programming
Jane Chi Hyun Park, Final Fantasy: a case study
Harmony Wu, Matricidal Cinema: New Zealand cinema, national myth, and border crossing cultural capital in Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures
Moderator: Christina Klein

Rm. 325 Promotion and Development
Barbara Abrash and Pat Aufderheide, NGOs, Funders, and Filmmakers: jointly crafting tools for social action agendas
Anandam Kavoori, Net tarot in New Delhi: reading the future of the internet in advertising
Nate Greenslit, Antidepressants, Advertising, and Agency: the internet and new cross-cultural negotiations in socio-medical identity
Steven Lewis, Consumer Citizenship, Spiritual Consumerism: privatizing propaganda and commercial advertising in the People's Republic of China
Moderator: Bob Stepno

Rm. 345 In Search of the Glocal
Sanjay Asthana, Visual hegemonies: representations of globalization and nation in print and electronic media in postcolonial India, 1982-2002
Tokunbo Ojo, Post-NWICO debate: the image of Africa in the Western media
Daniel Huecker, Moving Images: the campaign to project the Jesus film to all nations
Sujatha Sosale, Cultural Convergence of the Global and the Local: pan-capitalism, empowerment, or a third way?
Moderator: Michael Fischer

Rm. 372 Nation, Gender and Race
Hirofumi Katsuno and Christine Yano, Facing Off: on-line embodiment in contemporary Japan
Sharon Kinsella, Ganguro (Japanese girls dressed as Africans and aliens): explorations of the convergence of race and gender
Heung Wah, Taking People Seriously: Japanese Adult Videos in Hong Kong
Lawrence Fouraker, Precursors of Convergence in Interwar Japan

Moderator: Shigeru Miyagawa

Rm. 376 Trans-Media Texts
Jan Holmberg, Globalized Vision
Sheila Nayar, Cinematically Speaking: Exploring Indian Cinema via the Orality-Literacy Continuum
Roderick Coover, Cultures in Webs: cultural knowledge-cultural divides

Moderator: David Goodman
6-6:45 pm
Wong Aud.
BollySpace: An Interactive Dance Technology Project
Conceived and directed by Zhan Li, Aswin Punathambekar, Sangita Shresthova, CMS graduate students
(funded in part by the Council for the Arts at MIT)

7-8:30 pm
MIT Fac. Club
(Bldg. E52)

Saturday, May 11, 2002

8-9 am
Ting Foyer

Continental breakfast and registration
9-10:30 am

Call Session 2
Rm. 145 Media Memories Across International Generations (part 1)
Ingrid Volkmer, Andres Hofmann, Theo Hug, Margarita Maass,
Mathew Payne, Gebhard Rusch, Reiko Sekiguchi and Christine Slade

Moderator: Ingrid Volkmer

Rm. 149 Sounds and Music
Hee-Eun Lee, Popular Music Industry Working for Television: Neither Global nor Local, but Korean
Jacob Smith and Kurt Squire, 'Sound Screen': Points of Convergence in Recorded Sound and Digital Gaming
Robert Burnett, A Look Inside the Global Music Industry: Explaining Swedish Music Export Success
Moderator: Marty Marks

Rm. 315 Globalization, Technology, Identity
Emma Baulch, 'Post Imperial' Globalization and Balinese Alternative Music
Kwang-Suk Lee, Toward Subversive Uses of Technology Against Copyright
Isa Ducke, Use of the Internet by Political Actors in the Japanese-Korean Textbook Controversy
Pei-Chi Chung, Internet, Identity Politics and the Making of Counter Media Culture in Taiwan: the case study of Yam

Moderator: James Schwoch

Rm. 335 Thinking About the Audience: Fans and Children
Maire Messenger-Davies, Globalization and Children's Media Products
Anne Allison, The Cultural Politics of Pokemon Capitalism
Anne Ciecko, Tracking Asian Stars: from electronic shadows to cyber-astronomy
Matt Hills, Transcultural Otaku: Japanese representations of fandom and representations of Japan in anime/manga fan cultures
Moderator: Justine Cassell

Rm. 372 Strategies of Control and Resistance
James Morrison, The Author is Dead-Long Live the Author!
Dereck Hrynyshyn, The Commodification of Sovereignty in Domain-Name Space
Victoria Smith Ekstrand, Controlling the Copyright Bully: the promise of the copyright misuse doctrine
Monroe Price, Globalization and the Remapping of Relationship Between State and Images
Moderator: Jim Bizzochi

Rm. 376 Contesting Identities
Woongjae Ryoo, Negotiating Globalization: Korean modes of practice in the age of globalization as exemplified in advertising
Teresa Hoefert de Turegano, World Cinema as World Music
Brigitte Schulze, Globalization and Divergence: dynamics of dissent in non-dominant cinema cultures of south India
Doris Baltruschat, International Film and Television Co-Productions
Moderator: Odile Cazenave

Rm. 385 Diasporic India
Sujata Moorti, Imaginary Homes, Transplanted Traditions: Indian television and diasporic identity
Monika Mehta, Globalizing Bombay Cinema, the Indian State, and the Indian Family
Aswin Punathembekar, Bollywood Bytes: a story of how I found an online Adda
Moderator: Arundhati Tuli Banerjee

Rm. 390 Macro Theory
Marwan Kraidy, Transnational Media and the Hybrid Fabric of Cultural Globalization
Jan Rek, Studying How the World Has Been Won: about two sides of one approach to the process of globalization and media today
R. Harindranath, Reconfiguring "Cultural Imperialism": global audiences, local interpretative frames, and the distribution of cultural resources
Don Flournoy, Innovation and Obsolescence:The Sword That Cuts Both Ways
Moderator: Stine Gotved

11-12:30 pm

Call Session 3
Rm. 145 Media Memories Across International Generations continued (part 2)
Ingrid Volkmer, Andres Hofmann, Theo Hug, Margarita Maass, Mathew Payne, Gebhard Rusch, Reiko Sekiguchi and Christine Slade
Moderator: Ingrid Volkmer

Rm. 149 Film Across Borders
Joseph Garncarz, Hollywood as an Instrument of European Integration
Peter Kramer, Hollywood and Germany: notes on a history of cultural exchange
Sabine Haenni, A Global Nation: the logic of incorporation in early 20th century Hollywood
Moderator: Edward Turk

Rm. 315 Arts and Aesthetics
Gary Keller-Cardenas, An Online Community for Latina/o Visual Artists
Tal Halpern, Towards a New Artistic Context: critical documentary in the age of global surveillance networks
David Marshall, The Look of the Web: screen patterns, graphics, and the web aesthetic
Jim Bizzocchi, Narrative and Interaction: Ceremony of Innocence and the Subversion of Interface
Moderator: Stephanie Davenport

Rm. 335 Spectacle
Arundhati Banerjee, The Goddess and the Demon: contested territories in Durga Puja
Margaret Weigel, Electronic Bulb Signs in Fin de Siecle New York City: technology, spectacle and commerce
Berteke Waaldijk, Colonial Exhibitions and World Fairs as Precursors of Digital Public Space: the role of historical comparisons in understanding digital citizenship
Moderator: Winnie Wong

Rm. 372 Reality TV
Anita Biressi and Heather Nunn, Video Justice: Public Anxiety and Private Trauma
Janet Jones, Wooing the Promiscuous Viewer Through Interactivity: an audience study of Big Brother UK 2000 and 2001
Ferenc Hammer, Reality Television and the Public Sphere - a Hungarian case study
Moderator: Maire Messenger-Davies

Rm. 376 Audiences and Hierarchies of Taste
Roberta Pearson, A Tale of Three Cities: Spatial, Temporal and Demographical Co-ordinates of Urban Sites of Consumption
Steven Schneider, World Horror Cinema and the US: bringing it all back home
Jan Ekecrantz, Cultural Panics and Other Responses to Media-Driven Modernities

Moderator: Peter Walsh

Rm. 385 Flows
Mats Bjorkin, Re-mapping the Cash Flow: digital media and corporate communication
Eli Dresner, No Sense of Global Place? Information technologies and globalization
Derek Kompare, Flows to Files: conceiving 21st century media
Mimi White: Flows and Other Close Encounters With Television

Moderator: Walter Holland

Wong Aud. Negotiating the Glocal: Globalism Manifested in Specific Times and Spaces
tele-journeys artists panel)
Carlos Amorales, Mark Bain, Yael Bartana, Michael Blum, Nabila Irshaid, Runa Islam, Sebastian Diaz Morales, Tomoko Take and Fiona Tan
Moderator: Bill Arning

12:30-2 pm
Ting Foyer

Lunch (provided)
2-3:30 pm
Wong Aud.

Plenary Conversation 2: Convergence
Richard Miner, OrangeImagineering
Christopher Pike, SONY
Danny Schechter, Globalvision

Moderator: William Uricchio

4:15-5:45 pm Call Session 4

Rm. 145 Private and Public Broadcasting: Technological Challenges and Ideological Implications
Jung Bong Choi, Public Broadcasting in the Age of Digital Narrow-casting: a study of NHK's digitalization
Peter Walsh, Homer at Home: myth, image, and the ideology of television
Silvio Waisbord, McTelevision: the global poverty of television program formats

Moderator: Tim Weiskel
Rm. 149 Press in Transition
Pierre Guerlain, Analyzing Change at Le Monde
Jessica Fishman, Digital News Cultures: an analysis of social class, media convergence and divergence
Stuart Allan, Towards a New(s) Society: Online Journalism and Citizenship in an Information Age

Moderator: Anita Chan

Rm. 315 Diasopric Identities
Esra Ozkan, The Visibility of Information on Turkey
Sheila Petty, Transforming Spaces: African computer-based narratives
Nabil Echchaibi, (Be)longing media: minority radio between cultural retention and renewal
Jyotika Virdi, National Against the Local: romance, consumption culture, and convergence - discourses in the nineties' popular Indian cinema

Moderator: Nicolas Wey-Gomez

Rm. 335 Digital Divides/Digital Identities
Peter d'Agostino and David Tafler, Techno/Cultural Consciousness Across the Digital Divides
Nick Couldry, The Forgotten Digital Divide: researching social exclusion/inclusion in the great age of personalized media
Arthur Lizie, Global Pop Discourse: the new cultural imperialism?
Michel Laguerre, The Digital Identity of the Global City

Moderator: Henry Jenkins

Rm. 372 Lessons and Strategies
Michela Ardizzoni, North/South, East/West: Italian television and national identity in a global context
Bret Benjamin, "Attach the Electrodes:" on ways of reading the stories of the Global Information Infrastructure
Laura Kertz, Morals and Markets: deviance
Jan Bierhoff, Multimedia Content in the Digital Age

Moderator: Heather Miller

Rm. 376 Multiculturalism and Diversity
Indigo Thuy Williams, Downloading Heritage: Vietnamese Diaspora Online
Tanja Dreher, Talk Back: the mediated struggle to define Australian multiculturalism
Shoshana Madmoni-Gerber, Between the Global Arena and the Israeli Nation-State: the affects of globalization on cultural diversity in Israel
Moderator: Roberta Pearson

Rm. 385 The State, the Individual and Privacy
Michael Svennevig and David Morrison, The Changing Nature of Privacy and the Changing Media Environment
Orit Halpern, Bioinformatic Databases: a new mode of global surveillance?
James Donald,Media Freedom In Transition
Moderator: Julia Scher

upper atrium

tele-journeys exhibit opening reception at List Visual Arts Center
Sunday, May 12, 2002

8:30-9:30 am
Ting Foyer

Continental breakfast
9:30-11 am

Call Session 5
Rm. 145 Global Currents and Media Change in Asia
Adam Knee,Anglophone Currents in Hong Kong Cinema
Seema Shrikhande, Business News Channels in Asia: strategies and challenges
Lokman Tsui, Internet Opening Up China: fact or fiction?
Moderator: Jing Wang

Rm. 149 Global Genres
Bo Reimer, Altered Images: TV sports and cultural change
Aphra Kerr and Roddy Flynn, Revisiting Globalization and Convergence Through the Movie and Digital Games Industries
Elfriede Fuersich, Between Credibility and Commodification: non-fiction entertainment as a global media genre
John McMurria, Discovering the World: globalization and television documentary

Moderator: William Uricchio

Rm. 315 Education and Technology
Jon Pettigrew, Generative Futures
Charlie Scheaffer, Electronic-Age Literacy and the Internal Horizon of the Critical Thinking Paradigm
Junko Sugimura, Yoshiyori Urano and Tatsuhisa Miyanohara, The Development of an Educational System: CRONOS System for Media-mix Curriculum in Learning Environment
Torin Monahan, Global Matrices of Sensibility: the construction of artistic value and agency in Los Angeles schools
Moderator: Kurt Fendt

Rm. 335 Spaces and Borders
Julia Lesage, Space/Place as Represented in Travel Media: some theoretical reflections
Scott Laderman, 'They Set About Revenging Themselves on the Population': The 'Hue Massacre,' Travel Guidebooks, and the Shaping of Historical Consciousness in Vietnam
Fran Illich, borderhack 2000

Moderator: Shankar Raman

Rm. 372 Designing Digital Cultures
Ryadi Adityavarman, Digital Media Communication in International Design Practice: a comparative intercultural perspective
Sarah Berry-Flint, Cognition and Culture: interaction design and globalization
Drew Davidson, An Academic Study and a Narrative About Stories and their Medium
Moderator: Edward Barrett

Rm. 376 European Regional Identities
Randall Halle, Enemy at the Gates: history and commodity in new European film
Peter Ludes, Images of Europe: 1949 to 1998 and 2001/02
Henri Beunders, The Failure of the Elite's Ideas for European Television

Moderator: Marja Roholl

Rm. 385 Intellectual Property
Richard Wise, The Paradoxes of Information Markets
Wendy Dinneen, Intellectual Property and Mediation
McKenzie Wark, Intellectual Property and the Rethinking of Culturalist and Economist Critical Theory
Moderator: Susan Silbey

Wong Aud.

Summing Up
Henry Jenkins, William Uricchio