abstracts and papers
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MiT3: television in transition


Friday, May 2

Bartos Theater
Lower Atrium


Bartos Theater

Welcome and Introduction
Philip S. Khoury, MIT
David Thorburn, MIT

Bartos Theater

Plenary Conversation 1: The Future of Television
John Dimling, Nielsen Media Research
Charles Ferris, former chair, FCC
Toby Miller, NYU

Moderator: William Uricchio, MIT



4-5:30 Call Session 1

66-156 National Televisions
Marwan M. Kraidy, Lebanese Television as a Cultural and Political Forum
Yves Laberge, Cultural Studies and Identity: the Social Construction of Canadian Television
Tokunbo Ojo, Political, Cultural and Educational Dimensions of Television in Post-Colonial African States

John Michael Kittross, Media Ethics

56-162 Sports
Yair Galily, High Five: The Local, the Global, the American and Israeli Sports on Television
Eggo Müller, Towards an Aesthetics of Entertainment: Soccer on TV
Gilad Weingarten, Reconstruction of Sport by Television

Moderator: Winnie Wong, Museum of Fine Arts
, Boston

66-167 Race/ Ethnicity/ Identity
Aniko Bodroghkozy, Screening Post-Civil Rights Blackness: Negotiating Race in Seventies U.S. Television
Antonio C. La Pastina, Does National Programming Promote National Identity? A Case Study in Rural Brazil

Julia Lesage, Univ. of Oregon


Screening Politics
Sanginjon Jabborov, Television as an Element in the Democratization of a Society in Transition - Uzbekistan: Experience, Problems and Perspectives
Michael Keating, Rage Against the Receiver: How Ulster Loyalists Lost the TV War in Northern Ireland

Kurt Lancaster, Fort Lewis College


Nabil Echchaibi, Untapped Audiences: Zen TV and Redefining Youth Culture in The Arab World
Susan B. Kretchmer and Rod Carveth, De-Constructing Television and Global Media Stereotypes
Jennifer Mandel, The Production of a "Beloved Community": Sesame Street's Effort to Educate Disadvantaged Children

Moderator: Eric Freedman, Florida Atlantic Univ.


Reality TV
Hugh Curnutt, The "Me" Genre: Self-Reflexivity in Reality Television
Mary Beth Haralovich, "Expect the Unexpected": Narrative Pleasure and Uncertainty Due to Chance in Survivor
Derek Kompare, Show and Tell: The Ignominious Bodies of Reality Television

Lanfranco Aceti, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design



Religion and Ideology
Michael Leslie, International Televangelism/American Ideology: The Case of The 700 Club
Atteqa Malik, Television for Ritual: The Modern Majlis
Ramez Maluf, Chasing the Inspirational in Arab Television and Film

Michael Epstein, MIT

Bartos Theater
Lower Atrium

Reception/ Video display by the List Visual Arts Center

Saturday, May 3

Bartos Theater
Lower Atrium

Continental Breakfast



Call Session 2


The TeleVisions Project
John Downing, The TeleVisions Project: Its Challenge and Goals
Henry Puente, The 1990s - A Decade of TV Diversity Advancements and Stumbling Blocks
Sharon M. Ross, Inside Information: Industry Professionals and Activists Speak About the State of Race and Ethnicity on Television
Mary C. Beltran, Visions of Ethnic Diversity: The Next Steps of the TeleVisions Project



Theory/ Genre
Nick Couldry, Television and the Myth of the Mediated Center: Time for a Paradigm Shift in Television Studies?
Jonathan Gray, The Preview and the Parody: The Yin and Yang of Contemporary Televisual Textuality
Jonathan Nichols-Pethick, This Cop's for you: Genre and Discourse in the Post-Network Era

Moderator: Jason Mittell, Middlebury College


Non-Commercial Television
Elfriede Fürsich and Seema Shrikhande, Developmental Public Broadcasting: Is There Still a Role for it?
Patricia Holland, On the Current Affairs Genre and the Challenge to Public Service Broadcasting in the UK
M.J. Robinson , "The Amazing Thing Is That it Happened at all": WNYC-TV and the Impossibility of Municipal Broadcasting in the United States

Moderator: Michael Keating, MIT

56-169 Reality TV
Lori Landay, Reality and the Founding Discourses of Television or, Why We Love Lucy
Christine Leishman, "It's Only a Game Show"...?: The Generic Development of Big Brother
Julia Lesage, Survivor as Metonomy of Global Capital
Amber Watts, Confessional Reality TV: Recuperation Through Mediation

Elana Levine, Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee


Rites of Consumption
Jiwon Ahn, "Trust Me - I'm a Designer": the Irony of Recent Home Makeover Shows
F. Scott Scribner, TiVo: TV, Imagination, and the Politics of Total Fulfillment

Moderator: Winnie Wong, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston


Modes of Production
Máire Messenger Davies and Roberta E. Pearson, "No Network!": Star Trek and the American Television Industry's Changing Modes of Organization
Jane Shattuc, Let There Be Light: Who "Creates" American TV Programs?

Joan Giglione, California State University, Fullerton


Elizabeth Ellsworth, The Brief Time of Audience-as-Witness to 9/11: Media and the Un-Representable
Heather E. Fisher, CBS: The Eye on 9/11
Amanda Lotz, "Network" Theory in the Post-Network Era: Using the Cultural Forum Model to Analyze Fictional 9/11 Discourses

Moderator: Lily Alexander, Univ. of Toronto


New Formats
Eric Freedman, Home Video, Inc.: iMovie and the Industry of Memory
Soha Maad, The Potential and Pitfall of Interactive TV Technology: An Empirical Study
Martin Roberts, Decoding D-Dag: Multi-Channel Television at the Millennium

Christopher Weaver, Media Technology Ltd.

10:30-11:00 Break

Bartos Theater

Plenary Conversation 2: Reality TV
Henry Jenkins, MIT
Stacey Lynn Koerner, Initiative Media
Ghen Maynard, CBS alternative programming

Moderator: David Marshall, Northeastern University



1:30-3 Call Session 3

Bartos Theater

Video Art
Russell Connor, A Personal History of Video Art
Peter Walsh, Muse Tube: Television and the American Avant-Garde

Stephanie Davenport, MIT

56-154 Gender
Jane Arthurs, Television and Sexuality: The Democratization of Desire?
Liza Johnson, Afghan Camera: Shifting Stories of Global Television
Kathleen Rowe Karlyn, TV, New Media and Feminism's Third Wave

Christine Geraghty, Univ. of Glasgow


Television Histories
Lawrence Fouraker, The History of Television in Japan
Sangho Seo, The Historical Evolution of the Korean Television Broadcasting Industry: An Economic Perspective
Jim Welch, The New National Frontier: New Zealand Identity and American Television, 1960-1965

Mats Bjorkin, Goteborg University


Reality TV
Anna McCarthy, "Stanley Milgram, Allen Funt and Me": Cold War Social Science and the Roots of Reality TV
Susan Murray, "I Think We Need a New Name for It": The Meeting of Documentary and Reality Television
Laurie Ouellette, Reality Television and Cultural Citizenship

Susannah Stern, Boston College


Global vs. National Televisions
Olga Guedes Bailey, The Discontents with Global Television News: Where Is the 'Other'?
Christine Daymon and Robin Foster, Future Possibilities: A Scenario Analysis Study of British Television
Timothy Havens, Windows on the West: Hungarian Television Acquisitions and the Future of Western Dominance in Global Television

Elfriede Fursich, Boston College


Race / Ethnicity/ Identity
Giselinde Kuipers, Television and Taste Hierarchy: Social Status and the Appreciation, Dislike, and Knowledge of Television Comedy in the Netherlands
Lars Lundsten, The Unknown Soldier vs. Darth Vader: Conditions for Ethnically Relevant TV
Usha Zacharias, The Audience and the Imagination of Freedom

Sajan Saini, MIT


Fan Culture and Mythology
Kurt Lancaster, Babylon 5: Book of Quotations -- How a View of the Universe Shapes our World View
Dan Mackay, Genre Television and the Imaginary Entertainment Environments
Michele Malach, Behind Bars: Guilt, Redemption and Oz Fans

Matt Hills, Cardiff Univeristy

2-142 New Media
Aida Aidakyeva and Don Flournoy, Streaming Television: Participatory Democracy on the Rise? No, Not Yet
Bertha Chin, New Media Technologies: New Ways of Viewing Television?
Simone Seym, The Digital Television Future: Convergence With Computers

Lori Landay, Berklee College




Bartos Theater

Plenary Conversation 3: News During Wartime
James Carey, Columbia Univ.
Bernard Kalb, journalist
Marvin Kalb, Harvard University

Moderator: David Thorburn, MIT

5:15-6:45 Call Session 4

Bartos Theater Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press Authors' Panel
Monika Jensen-Stevenson
Michael Levine
Maurice Murad

Moderator, Kristina Borjesson


Money Matters
Christine Becker, Fin/Syn Begin Again?
Jose Luis Benitez, Television in El Salvador: Foreign Investment, Loss of Local Control?
Teresa Hoefert de Turégano, European Television Financing for Fiction Film in Africa and Latin America

Douglas Morgenstern, MIT


National and Regional Televisions
Kajri Jain, Imagined and Performed Locality: The Televisual Field in a North Indian Industrial Town
Siho Nam, Utopian Promise Fulfilled? Cable Television in Korea
Gebhard Rusch, Television, Cultural Change and Media Dynamics in German

Moderator: Usha Zacharias, Westfield State College


Lily Alexander, Television as a Global Theater: The Genre of Media Scandals in Semiotic and Anthropological Perspectives
Matt Hills, Horror TV: Genre or Invisible Intertext?
Claudia Schwarz, Life Lies - Live Lies: The Effect and Function of Blurring the Genres in Television

Alice O'Driscoll, MIT


Representing Families and Victims
Christine Geraghty, Melodrama, Trust and the Representation of Abuse
Esra Özcan, Conceptions of Marriage and Family in Turkish Television: Settlement or Reorientation?
Courtney Young, Watching Rape on American Television

Moderator: Máire Messenger Davies, Cardiff Univ.


Joan Giglione, When Broadcast and Internet Audiences Collide: Internet Users as TV Advocacy Groups
Kieran Kelly, Digital Convergence: Dead, Dying or Delayed?
Jason Mittell, Interfacing Television: TiVo, Technology Convergence, and Everyday Life

Eric Freedman, Florida Atlantic Univ.

56-191 Close Readings
Donal Carbaugh, Cultural Discourses and One Televised Text: 60 Minutes, Ten Years, Two Countries
Lisa M. Cuklanz, Rape and Representation on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
Louisa Stein, TV Noir 101: Genre as Discourse in the WB's Angel

Moderator: Sharon Ross, University of Texas, Austin


Comedy and Politics
Joe Cutbirth, Pop Culture or Political Riff: Presidential Narrative on Late-Night TV
Cristobal Garcia, Political Edutainment on American Television
Kathy Sohar, Late Night After 9/11: Examining the Opening Monologues of David Letterman, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, and Jon Stewart in Their First Televised Shows After the Terrorist Attacks

Giselinde Kuipers, Univ. of Amsterdam


Advertising and Entertainment
June Deery, Reality TV as Advertainment
Michael L. Maynard, Preserving Democracy through the 30-Second Negative Political Ad
Laura Tropp, Extending Television -- Noggin's Degrassi: The Next Generation and the Fine Line Between Education and Advertising

Jing Wang, MIT

Sunday, May 4

Bartos Theater
Lower Atrium

Continental Breakfast

10-11:30 Call Session 5

56-114 Commerce and the Public Interest
Mats Björkin, Television and Commercial Culture in Sweden during the 1950s
John McMurria, Who Owns Cable TV?: Locating the Public Interest in a Post-Scarcity Era

Moderator: Mark Lloyd, MIT


Jim Bizzocchi, A Magic Window: The Emergent Aesthetics of High-Resolution, Large-Scale Video Display
Elana Levine, Live!: Defining Television Quality at the Turn of the 21st Century
Magnus Widman, Film and Television in Interaction

Simone Seym, Georgetown Univ.


Reality TV
Alison Hearn, Humiliating Images/Humiliating Theory: On the Terrain of Reality TV
P. David Marshall, Celebrity-Real: The Vestigial Cultural Power of Contemporary Television
Joanne Morreale, (Re) Visiting The Osbournes: The Emergence of the Reality Sitcom Genre

Moderator: Murray Forman, Northeastern


Media Imperialism ?
Bjorn Ingvoldstad, Reality TV, Identity, and Post-Socialist Transition: A Case Study from Lithuania
Sherra Schick, Oprafication, Media, and Culture
Kristin Sorensen, Chilean Media and Discourses of Human Rights: Chilevisión's El Termómetro

Timothy J. Havens, Univ. of Iowa

56-180 Genre
Anita Biressi and Heather Nunn, Documentary Futures: New Documentary as Psychic Drama
Richard Gonci, The Fate of the Documentary
Keith Johnson, Development of The Institute Television Series: A New Genre of Global Television

Moderator: Seth Schulman, Hill Holliday


Shira Chess, Technology, Femininity and Fabulous Accessories: Alias and Cyborg Representation
Mobina Hashmi, Robot Cops and Human Machines: Taming Technology on American Television in the 1970s and 1980s

Tina Klein, MIT


Lanfranco Aceti, Interactive Integrated Media: In the "Agon" of Convergence
Christian McCrea, Whose Screen Is it, Anyway?: Games, Agency and Television
Bill Mosher and Tom Vreeland, Mycasts: New Genre of Global Television
Michele White, The "Good Box" and the "Idiot Box": Television, Computer Monitors and the Webcam Frame

Bob Stepno, Emerson College


Television News
Thom Baggerman, Public Service: Sold! The Commodification of Local Television News
Kahlil Byrd and Theresse Kawarabayashi, Al-Jazeera: Sustaining a Free Press in the Middle East
Marie Curkan-Flanagan, Repurposing News Content: Convergence Experiments that Worked!

Moderator: Ramez Maluf, Lebanese American University

11:30-12:00 Break

Bartos Theater
Plenary Conversation 4: Summary Perspectives
Nick Couldry, London School of Economics
Christine Geraghty, University of Glasgow
Mary Beth Haralovich, University of Arizona
Anna McCarthy, New York University

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