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Catherine Caruso

Hailing from the suburbs of Boston MA, Catherine first realized she might have an affinity for words when, at age ten, she missed the Grand Canyon because she couldn’t put down her book (ironically, Brighty of the Grand Canyon). One fateful July she was completely sucked into Shark Week, and from there she developed a particular interest in marine biology (along with a particularly intricate color-coded Shark Week viewing schedule). She graduated with a biology degree from Wellesley College, followed by a stint working at the Marine Biological Lab in Woods Hole, MA where she found it delightfully impossible to escape science talk. Catherine also has an M.S. at the University of New Hampshire, that came with the informal title plumber/fish husbandry specialist/molecular biologist/lab technician/lab instructor/writer/editor. She completed her master's in science writing at MIT in 2016, and interned at MIT Technology Review and Scientific American MIND. In her free time, Catherine alternates between total nerd and total jock, which involves podcast listening, Wikipedia scouring, running (preferably after a soccer ball), rock climbing, and explaining the complexities of American football to unsuspecting victims. Thesis: Subconcussive Blows in High School Football: Putting Young Brains at Risk